Action Center

Add you voice to important issues in your state and in our country


Voice for Refuge works alongside partner organizations and grassroots advocates to make sure Congress, the White House, and state Legislatures are supporting refugee resettlement and vital programs that promote success. When we join together to call on our leaders, we can make a bigger impact than standing alone. 

Explore the action items we’re currently amplifying from our own work and the work of our partners. 

Urgent Action

Last updated June 4, 2024: Tell President Biden and Congress to Reject Inhumane, Unlawful Asylum Restrictions, Stand By Commitments to the Persecuted.

State Advocacy Campaigns

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We’re currently tracking legislation in many states, visit our State Policy page to learn more. 

Federal Advocacy Campaigns

CWS click-to-email last updated June, 2024

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